
Image from the Bauhaus 100th Anniversary in Dessau Germany, 2019

Stefani Bardin is an artist whose work is split between food + climate change projects and initiatives.  Based in New York City she partners with  scientists, chefs, architects, technologists and designers to  investigate the influences of corporate culture and industrial food production on our food system and the environment.  She was a member of  New Museum’s Cultural Incubator NEW INC  from 2018 - 2021 where projects included  collaborations with  Smallhold on a modular unit for NEW INC as well as workshops and collaborations with the Mattos Hospitality  on food and climate change.  Her work has been featured in and commissioned by organizations including Wired Magazine, Scientific AmericanArt21, Forbes, Creative Time, The Bauhaus and The Museum of Contemporary Art in Montreal.

As a professor of Food, Design, Technology + Climate Change in NYU’s Food Studies and Interactive Telecommunications Programs and Parsons Interactive Design department, she has worked with The James Beard FoundationRethink Food NYC and Brigaid on projects that developed scalable and actionable design outcomes to uncover and respond to ruptures in the food system.  She is also the founder of the project No Free Lunch through NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge a web platform that focuses on mapping the context and content of climate change issues, beginning locally with New York stakeholders and organizations working to address climate and environment related impact on our food system.

She has successfully migrated the systems and design thinking methodologies she uses as an artist + professor to corporate and business clients in order to show them (through workshops + lectures) how to connect the dots between internal and external issues like climate change + means of production + CSR + global impact and create new pathways for products, branding and messaging.

Additionally, she works with companies on innovation and growth strategies; teaching tools for reimagining current workflows, product development and systemic initiatives for cohesive growth for the company, its employees and consumer trust.