The term Appropriate Technology was formally designated by the economist Fritz Schumacher in the 1970’s to illuminate an ideological moment that stresses technological choices and applications that are small scale, decentralized, labor intensive, energy efficient, environmentally sound and a technology that is primarily people centered. We have begun designing prototypes that explore these principals in the context of functional art, science and design.

Referencing the whimsical constructed sculptures of Arthur Ganson, the proficiency and minimalism of Shaker and Bauhaus design principles and the physics, science and engineering work of Nikolai Tesla we have set out to combine form and function within the parameters of appropriate technology.

Below are photos of a preliminary prototype for the Mister Mister! Repurposed scrap copper has been made into a fountain sculpture that attaches to a fire hydrant and allows water to mist out and cool down people in the neighborhood during a sweltering summer. The misting controls the water flow  in a measured way rather than the water voluminously pouring out and being wasted.  All water in NYC is potable – from hydrants to toilets.

Collaboration with Assaf Tamir

Mister Mister .jpg

Spooky Action at a Distance


No Free Lunch